The Government's Best Kept Secret? "CURR"

By Allan B. Colombo,


One of the best kept secrets in the veteran community appears to be the CURR

(U.S. Armed Services Center for Unit Records Research). CURR is a government

organization that provides unit record information for Post Traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD) claims. The VA depends on CURR's research in order to

process veteran claims.

CURR's mission is critical to veterans because unless a stressor is verified

by researching unit records, the VA may not approve their claims. Those

veterans involved would then not receive the medical help and compensation

they deserve. CURR's research also helps the VA to make valid and just

decisions based on exposure and not just a veteran's word.

Unfortunately, for one reason or another, CURR is about a year behind

processing requests. CURR's command is the Records Management

Declassification Agency (RMDA). This agency is headed by Mr. Jack Matthews Pressure must be brought to bear on the

federal government to increase the manning levels of the CURR so veterans do

not have to wait longer than is necessary. One way to do this is to contact

your Congressional Representatives and ask them to investigate the hiring

situation at CURR.

Because this department is so little understood and largely unknown, please

include the following contact information so your Congressional

Representatives and Senators know the who, what, and where pertaining to


U.S. Armed Services

Center For Unit Records Research (CURR)

7798 Cissna Road, Suite 101

Springfield, VA 22150-3198

If you do not know who your Congressional Representatives and Senators are,

you can easily find this out by going to our web site at

http// and using our Congressional links. You will also

find more information there about the CURR. Thank you and good luck.